Teacher Collaboration

Welcome to the Modern Classrooms Project Podcast. Each week we bring you discussions with educators on how they use blended, self-paced, and mastery-based learning to better serve their learners. In this episode, Zach is joined by educators Brooke Lee and Rick Smith to share their experiences with implementing the Modern Classroom Project and the positive impact it has had on their teaching and student learning.

Their journey began with a desire for more personalized learning and a shift away from traditional teaching methods.

Here are the key takeaways from this podcast:

  • Teacher Autonomy and Support: Brooke and Rick emphasize the importance of teacher autonomy in the implementation of their Modern Classrooms. Their school administration has been supportive, allowing them to experiment with new approaches and technologies, and fostering an environment where teachers can innovate.

  • Integration of Curriculum: The educators discuss how they seamlessly integrated a new math curriculum with the Modern Classrooms model. The new curriculum aligned with the learner-centered principles of the model, offering various resources, video lessons, and assessments that could be customized to meet students' needs.

  • Student Confidence and Growth: One of the most significant outcomes of implementing their Modern Classrooms has been the boost in student confidence. Students who struggled with math now experience success and are even helping their peers understand concepts. The model's focus on progress and mastery checks has contributed to students' growth and achievement.

Brooke aptly summarizes their experience, stating, "It promotes that confidence." Rick Smith adds, "I can just tell from the look on this girl's face. That's probably the first time in her life that she's actually been able to teach somebody how to do a math problem." These anecdotes highlight the transformative power of MCP in fostering student engagement and empowerment.

Discussion questions for PLC and PD: 

  • How can schools and districts better support teacher autonomy and innovation in the classroom to encourage the adoption of modern teaching methods like the Modern Classroom Project (MCP)?

  • Curriculum integration plays a significant role in the success of MCP. What strategies can educators and curriculum developers use to ensure that instructional materials align effectively with personalized and mastery-based learning models?

  • The summary highlights the positive impact of MCP on student confidence and growth. How can educators measure and track improvements in student confidence, and what additional strategies can be implemented to enhance students' sense of empowerment and self-efficacy in their learning journey?

Our Host

Headshot of Zach Diamond

Zach Diamond studied Music History and Theory at Oberlin College and received a Masters of Music in Music Education from Boston University. He taught music for five years in Lima, Peru, and is currently a Middle School music teacher at DC International School, a language-immersion school where he teaches in Spanish. He began implementing the Modern Classrooms Model in the 19-20 School Year and enthusiastically continues his work with the organization as a mentor and podcast producer.

Our Guest: Brooke Lee, Rick Smith

Connecting with Brooke: Email at blee@hoover.k12.al.us

Connecting with Rick: Email at rsmith@hoover.k12.al.us

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