Supporting Disengaged Students

Welcome to the Modern Classrooms Project Podcast. Each week we bring you discussions with educators on how they use blended, self-paced, and mastery-based learning to better serve their learners. In this episode, Kareem, the co-founder and CEO of the Modern Classrooms Project, is joined by educators Dacia Guffey and Shane Donovan to discuss the challenges and solutions related to modern education.

Two students chat to each other.

This conversation sheds light on the critical issues faced by both teachers and students, highlighting the importance of adapting to individual needs and fostering a supportive environment.

Here are three key takeaways from this episode:

  • Put Students First: Dacia Guffey emphasizes the need for educators to prioritize students' well-being over rigid curriculum requirements. She underscores the importance of being attentive to students' emotional needs and providing a safe space for them to address their challenges. She states, "Their story is more important than my history."

  • Balance Support and Independence: Shane Donovan discusses the delicate balance between supporting students and allowing them to take ownership of their learning. Encouraging students to ask quality questions and learn from their mistakes empowers them to become self-directed learners. Shane says, "It's not about what I cover. It's about what you learned."

  • Teach for Mastery: The Modern Classrooms Project, as described by Kareem Farah, enables educators to teach for mastery, emphasizing high standards and giving students the tools to succeed at their own pace. This approach promotes a growth mindset and fosters a sense of capability in students.

In summary, this episode emphasizes the need for a student-centric approach that values their well-being, encourages independence, and promotes mastery-based learning. Educators can play a crucial role in empowering students to overcome challenges and succeed in their educational journey.

Discussion questions for PLC and PD: 

  • How can educators strike a balance between delivering curriculum content and prioritizing students' emotional well-being, as highlighted by Dacia?

  • Shane emphasizes the importance of teaching students to ask quality questions and learn from their mistakes. How can educators effectively incorporate these principles into their teaching methods?

  • Kareem discusses the Modern Classrooms Project's focus on teaching for mastery and empowering students to succeed at their own pace. How can educators implement a mastery-based approach in their classrooms, and what benefits might this approach bring to student learning outcomes and overall engagement?

Our Guests: Shane Donavan, Dacia Guffey

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