Manageable Grading in a Modern Classroom

Welcome to the Modern Classrooms Project Podcast. Each week we bring you discussions with educators on how they use blended, self-paced, and mastery-based learning to better serve their learners. In this episode, Kate Gaskill and Zach Diamond are joined by Moira Mazzi, a high school geo-systems teacher, to discuss modernizing teaching methods to foster better student learning and progress.

An image of a computer screen with a progress tracker on it.

Here are three key takeaways from this podcast episode:

  • Shifting Grading Mindset: Moira emphasizes the shift from traditional grading methods to focusing on daily grading and timely feedback as crucial for improving student performance. She shares how initially daunting it seemed but, over time, became an essential component of her teaching. Moira emphasizes this, saying "if you can also incorporate really strong parent, student-teacher relationships, then you are starting to have a really, really strong program, and you're helping to truly be able to reach every single student."

  • Mastery-Based Learning: Zach highlights the shift from grades representing intelligence to gauging progress through a mastery-based approach. He outlines the use of progress trackers, helping students see where they stand in their learning journey and promoting a growth-oriented mindset. Zach underlines the importance of this shift, saying, "After students get over that initial shock of like, 'What do you mean, I have to do it again, I turned it in?'...they start to learn, 'Did I do it right? Or do I have to revise it?’ and they're more willing to revise it once they understand that they're being held accountable for mastery.”

  • Flexibility and Personalization: Both Moira and Zach discuss the flexibility of the Modern Classroom model. It allows for personalized assessments, timely intervention, and meaningful engagement with students, fostering a sense of accountability and making revision an integral part of the learning process.

You will find that this approach sets the stage for a deeper exploration of modern teaching practices that prioritize student learning and growth over traditional grading practices.

Discussion questions for PLC and PD: 

  • How can educators overcome the initial challenges and mindset shifts involved in transitioning from traditional grading to daily grading and timely feedback, as discussed by Moira in the podcast?

  • In the podcast, Zach emphasizes the importance of shifting the perception of grades from a measure of intelligence to an assessment of progress. How can educators implement a mastery-based approach in their classrooms to encourage a growth-oriented mindset among students?

  • Both Moira and Zach stress the significance of flexibility and personalization in the Modern Classroom model. How can educators strike a balance between personalized assessments and maintaining curriculum standards?

Our Host

Headshot of Zach Diamond.

Zach Diamond studied Music History and Theory at Oberlin College and received a Masters of Music in Music Education from Boston University. He taught music for five years in Lima, Peru, and is currently a Middle School music teacher at DC International School, a language-immersion school where he teaches in Spanish. He began implementing the Modern Classrooms Model in the 19-20 School Year and enthusiastically continues his work with the organization as a mentor and podcast producer.

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