AI in the Classroom

Welcome to the Modern Classrooms Project Podcast. Each week we bring you discussions with educators on how they use blended, self-paced, and mastery-based learning to better serve their learners. In this episode, Toni Rose Deanon is joined by Joyce Pereira to share her profound insights on the intersection of artificial intelligence and education, emphasizing innovation, inclusivity, and ethical considerations.

As Joyce puts it, "Innovation is about meeting human needs and enhancing human experiences."

Here are three key takeaways from this podcast episode:

  • Customizable AI for Inclusive Learning: Joyce highlights the incredible potential of AI for highly customizable resources tailored to diverse learner needs, from translating content to adapting materials for individual students. As she underscores, AI can be a powerful ally in bridging the gap for marginalized voices.

  • Transparent Conversations on Bias and Ethical Use: Joyce stresses the importance of acknowledging and confronting algorithmic bias in AI tools, encouraging educators and students to actively verify and refine outputs. She articulates, "We have such a powerful tool at our disposal. Let's use it to answer questions that lead us to equity and sustainability."

  • Focusing on Big Questions: Joyce advocates for a shift towards answering substantial questions like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), recognizing that AI can accelerate progress in crucial global challenges.

Discussion questions for PLC and PD: 

  • How can we leverage AI's customization potential to create inclusive learning environments that cater to the diverse needs of our students? What are some practical ways to implement this in your classroom?

  • As Joyce emphasizes the importance of transparency in addressing algorithmic bias, how can educators and students actively participate in verifying and refining AI-generated content to ensure ethical and unbiased use? What specific strategies can be employed in this process?

  • Joyce suggests shifting our educational focus towards addressing significant questions like the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). How can we integrate such meaningful questions into our curriculum and encourage students to utilize AI as a tool for finding solutions to these global challenges? What specific SDGs resonate with your teaching context?

Our Host

Toni Rose taught MS English for 10 years and will forever identify as a teacher. Toni Rose strives to be the teacher that she never had growing up, so she focuses on anti-bias, anti-racist work and wants to create a brave space for everyone around her. As a queer Filipinx, she understands just how important it is to be represented, be valued, and belong. She especially loves being a thought partner for and celebrating teachers.

Our Guest: Joyce Pereira

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