Why Simple Systems Work Best

When I first started my self-paced classroom, I found that my students were often confused. I spent a lot of time planning out detailed processes that I hoped would make learning more efficient. But my students would miss steps, or go to the wrong place. They’d be lost, and I’d get frustrated.

Eventually, though, I realized: the problem wasn’t with my students. It was that my highly detailed systems were too complex! I realized that I needed to simplify. After all, the hallmark of good design is that it’s easy for USERS to understand.

Here are a few things you can do to make life simple for your students:

  • Use consistent formats. My lesson activities varied, but I wanted every mastery check to look the same. So, I created a simple template, and printed mastery checks on colored paper. I also numbered each of my lessons so that students would know what was coming next.

  • Focus on the basics first. I love review and extension activities, but I wanted my students to get the hang of self-paced learning first. So, I saved should-do and aspire-to-do lessons for the ends of my first few units. Once they had the flow down, I added more creative extensions.

  • Streamline your LMS. Most platforms have lots of cool features: discussion boards, announcement pages, etc. I didn’t want my students getting lost! So I tried to organize everything they would need on one single page, and hide the rest. Our tech tutorials have some great tips.

Of course, you can always get more complex once students get the hang of it! But if you’re just rolling out a Modern Classroom for the first time, or have new students, try keeping things very, very simple. Your students will thank you, and you'll be happier, too!


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