Modern Classrooms Project

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Classroom Design

Welcome to the Modern Classrooms Project Podcast. Each week we bring you discussions with educators on how they use blended, self-paced, and mastery-based learning to better serve their learners. In this episode, Kate Gaskill, former Director of Teaching and Learning at Modern Classrooms Project, discusses classroom design and its impact on blended, self-paced, and mastery-based learning with Debbie Menard, a former high school science teacher and new team member at Modern Classrooms Project

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In this podcast, they explore practical strategies for setting up physical classroom environments and systems that support effective learning in the modern classroom model

Here are three key takeaways from this podcast episode:

  • Flexible Classroom Design: Creating a flexible physical classroom environment is crucial for blended learning. Teachers should consider how the space can be arranged to enhance student comfort, collaboration, and concentration. Simple changes like seating arrangements and dedicated spaces for various activities can make a significant difference.

  • Organization and Supplies: Efficiently organizing materials and supplies is essential for smooth classroom management. Teachers should provide accessible storage for headphones, charging stations, and extra materials. Keeping mastery checks and resources readily available helps students manage their learning.

  • Transition Support: Transitioning back to in-person learning after remote teaching may be challenging for students. A "take a break kit" and clear classroom routines can help students manage transitions effectively. Collaborative planning with other teachers sharing the same space can lead to a more cohesive learning environment.

This episode provides practical insights into designing a Modern Classroom that supports the needs of both students and educators as they navigate blended and self-paced learning models.

Discussion questions for PLC and PD: 

  • How can educators effectively balance the physical classroom environment to support blended and self-paced learning while also ensuring students' comfort and engagement?

  • What strategies and systems can educators implement to organize materials, supplies, and resources in their classrooms to facilitate the modern classroom model effectively?

  • As students transition back to in-person learning after periods of remote instruction, what steps can educators take to create a supportive classroom environment that eases this transition and maximizes student engagement and success in blended learning?

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